Sunday 29 August 2010

When I went to Africa...

Kibaha is a small village in Tanzania where the sun always shines and the people always smile. This summer, I was fortunate enough to volunteer there. I expected to teach the children whatever little knowledge I have gained, but came away having learnt a whole lot myself.

Now that I'm back in the UK I've decided to journal what can only be described as the best experience of my life. I hope to update this space every few days with posts about and pictures from my time in East Africa; from Day One to Day Last.

I met some truly amazing people and would like to share everything I learnt and was a part of with all of you.

Until then...

Take Care
aj saul

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Wordless Wednesday #1

The 'Wordless Wednesday' collection will, hopefully, encourage me to take more pictures. It will include no words, just pictures. Hence the term 'wordless'. These posts will appear on Wednesdays. Hence the term 'Wednesday'.

I notice the irony and apparent contradiction in including words in this 'Wordless Wednesday' post, but it is merely to explain this new concotion of mine. No more words ... from .... now!

Tuesday 24 August 2010


"Be original as the day you were born"

It is only fair to begin with the two people who brought me into this world. Two people who I don't appreciate nearly as much as I should.

My mum is gorgeous, but camera-shy. I find this cute. She loves soppy books and even soppier films. She works too hard. She grows her own vegetables and loves hanging-baskets. I adore her. And her cooking.

I adore my dad, too, but not his cooking. He is gangster. If he's not on his computer working for us, then he's chilling with us. He's awesome at maths. He's not so awesome at DIY. He also forgets quite a lot. Mum dislikes this.

As for me…

I am a twenty-something year old little kid who has grown up way too quickly. I have twin brothers who are younger than me. We fight quite often, but we do love each other. Maybe. Just a bit.

AJ Saul is not my real name. It’s a pen-name I use when I’m writing because I think I’m cool.

I’m shy around beautiful people. I think everyone is beautiful. I like to be liked. I have a childhood fear of spiders, of falling, of the dark. Of falling on spiders in the dark.

I love travelling and learning new languages. It’s a good combination. I’ve been fortunate enough to have visited lots of amazing places, meeting lots of amazing people and making lots of unforgettable memories along the way.

I will write anything and everything: fiction, poetry, articles, letters to friends, essays (reluctantly), to-do-notes, shopping lists… This blog has been created simply as a place where we can think and write freely.

I enjoy most sports: soccer (or, correctly, football), tennis, cricket, badminton, squash. I swim regularly and I used to do Shotokan Karate. Even Chuck Norris is afraid of me. That's a lie.

In short, I love the simple things in life, as well as those rare moments that make this world perfect...

Starry skies and long summer nights; sitting in silence, watching the sun rise; peanut-butter spoonfuls, cocoa and that wet-grass smell; snowflakes that settle and shooting stars; random acts of kindness; scribbled poetry on paper scraps, getting lost down untrodden paths and the 'I-was-there’ of old photographs.

I have faith, but don't thank God nearly enough. When I do, it's for family, friendships, dreams, memories and the good times. For the smiles, the tears, the joy, the peace, the freedom and the laughter. Especially the laughter.

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. Put your feet up and make yourself at home...
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